A visit in January 2004 .....
| Edinburgh 2005 | Parliamentary Record 2002-4 | Taiwan 2004 | Tibet & Tibetan Buddhism Archive | Tokyo 2008 | Yuanshan Great (Grand) Hotel, Taipei. Contents To Taipei and beyond Parliamentary Forum Off to Taipei Leaving Diary Notes Democracy and freedom Going back ------------------- To Taipei and beyond... I visited Taiwan for a week in January 2004 as part of an Australian federal parliamentary delegation, involving - myself (Michael Organ, Australian Greens), Michael Danby (Australian Labour Party), David Johnson (Liberal Party) and Peter Slipper (Library Party). The following account of that visit was largely written during late January 2004, shortly after returning from Taiwan. I have supplemented the original record with some notes from 2014, as I look back and reflect on that time. During the delegation I was accompanied by my then wife Jeanette. Likewise Michael Danby was accompanied by his wife and the two spent some time together as the polit...